“HipChip is a sponsored campaign offered through the Tampa Bay Bloggers. I have been compensated with a HipChip gift card for my review and participating in the promotion of this product. All opinions shared are my own.”
Christmas is almost here, did your group just realize that you need to get your favorite teacher, coach, or boss a holiday gift?
No worries because HipChip.com is here to make a delivery well before gift giving time. Plus, it is a FREE service to use!
HipChip makes group gifting easy by pooling funds on-line and then delivering a favorite e gift card. This delivery can be done by you in person or via email at the date and time of your choosing.
Groups can pick gift cards from name brands like Chili’s Restaurant, Cheesecake Factory, The Home Depot, Old Navy, and more!

From 1 to 100 people can contribute to the gift, along with a dollar amount anywhere between $5 – $50 per person in $5 increments.
Only the organizer sees what each person “Chips In“, and can set up a cut off date for collection. If no one else joins the gift, it can be cancelled with a 100% refund.
Check out the following video to see how it works:
Use HipChip and you could WIN A PIZZA PARTY for your child’s classroom!
The first three (3) classes to use HipChip in EVERY state to purchase a Teacher’s gift will win a pizza party via a $50 gift card to Domino’s. Details are here HipChip Facebook Pizza Promotion.
I think this is an awesome service, and have already shared it with friends of mine from my son’s school. I want our classroom to win that pizza party!
What do you think of the HipChip service? Who would you organize a gift for?
To learn more about HipChip visit their website at HipChip.com.
You can also check them out on Facebook at facebook.com/app.hipchip, Twitter @hipchipgifts, Pinterest pinterest.com/hipchipgifts, and instagram.com/hipchipgifts.
Have fun shopping, and Happy Holidays!