So here I am at 37-39 weeks and counting and I feel like I am about to burst! My bag is packed, the baby’s room is finished, and everything has been sterilized.
Now I get to wait and see if I make it to my C-sec date, or I go earlier. These are definitely exciting and nerve-racking times!
I just wish the terrible indigestion would go away, but other than that I feel great. (Plus a great excuse to eat ice cream!) I am still cooking and cleaning, and I even went to play-date with the kiddos this morning.
I will definitely update everyone once this bundle of Joy makes his appearance. I’ll just keep nesting, hanging with the kiddos, and working on Frugal and Fun Mom in the meantime.
Wish me luck!
Kelly says
Carlee AKA Frugal and Fun Mom says
Stacy King says
Kat Meller says