This year I had the pleasure of participating in the National Mom’s Nite Out event at my local Simon Mall, DeSoto Square Mall along with local vendors, mall businesses, and mall employees.

National Mom’s Nite Out was sponsored this year in part by Maria Bailey of BSM Media, Simon Malls, Diet Coke, Dove Body Wash, Little Black Dress Vodka, StriVectin, and VISIT FLORIDA.

Our particular location, DeSoto Square Mall located in Bradenton, FL, gave out Swag Bags to the first 100 attendees. Plus, they provided makeovers, entertainment, food, and raffle items.
There was an amazing turn out, and lets just say that the goody bags went fast. Plus there was an awesome Candy Bar, Models from Sears, and so many Raffle Items that included gift cards and mall services.
Here are pictures of a few of the vendors:
Meriem, a “It Works” Consultant

And, Kim and Michelle from Send Out Cards.
For information on next years event, or to find out if there is a location near you participating visit National Mom’s Nite Out Event.
Plus, you can also check them out on Facebook at facebook.com/momsniteout.

Here I am with the mall staff.
To see more photos visit National Mom’s Nite Out DeSoto Square Mall.
I am definitely looking forward to next year’s event!
Information in this post was provided by a press release by Simon Malls and the National Mom’s Nite Out page.
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