Every year, we tend to do the same type of things during the Holiday Season because it is part of our tradition. But there are so many different festivities, events, and holiday projects available, that it would be nice to try something new this year.
In celebration of Snuggle®’s, Blue Sparkle Ultra 14 days of fresh scent fabric softener, TwitterMoms and Snuggle®, have asked mom bloggers like myself to come up with 14 Ways to have a Fresh and Festive Holiday. So, here are some of my old traditions and some new ideas that I would like to try out this year to keep my holidays Fresh and Festive.
1. If you normally buy a artificial tree, why not try a real one this year. It can be a lot of fun to pile the family into the car and choose a tree together. Then, you can spend the rest of the evening decorating it and enjoying the fresh scent of pine in your home.
2. Make your own ornaments for the tree. Why not pop some popcorn and string the garland as a family project. You can also head to your local craft store and pick up Plaster of Paris to make hand crafted ornaments. Homemade Christmas Ornaments with Beads! A Quick and Simple Kid’s Craft!
3. Go shopping on Black Friday. I have never been able to do this, and would love to get out in the middle of all the craziness. Plus, nothing gets you into the holiday spirit more than blaring Christmas music and deep discounts.
4. Head out as a family and sing Christmas Carols. Holiday Favorites like “Deck The Halls”, “Jingle Bells”, and “Silent Night” are some great classics, that will definitely make the event festive. Also, consider calling local Assisted Living Facilities and ask if they would like a couple of carolers to visit.
5. Adopt a family for Christmas. This is an excellent opportunity to teach your children about sharing and giving to others, plus it helps you remember the reason for the season. You can also have the kids help you shop and explain why it is important to help others.
6. Attend a Midnight Church Service. This is something that you can bring the kids to, or leave them home with the baby sitter. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the Christmas story reenacted on Christmas. I haven’t been able to attend myself in a while since I have little ones, but would love to go again.
7. Have the kiddos design the Christmas Cards this year. Your kids will get a kick out of making their own cards, and your relatives will love it as well. Plus, don’t forget to insert a family photo into the card.
8. Switch up your Holiday menu. If you typically have turkey or ham, why not try steak or fish. Why not let the kids pick the menu. It would be something different, and would definitely make it interesting. Pillsbury Potluck Party and It Was a Blast! Check Out These Delicious Recipes
9. Let the kids choose the presents this year for relatives. It will make for some interesting gifts, and the kids would feel a part of the process. You can also take them to the .99 cent bins if you want to limit them on their present selections.
10. Try to bake a new dessert this year. Ask your friends to swap one of their favorites with you. Jump on the internet and look for something new. Either way, have the kids help you combine the ingredients and do the taste testing. And, enjoy the smell of fresh baked goods in your home.
11. Volunteer as a family at a Food Pantry. Call around to local churches and non-profits to see how you can help. Make sure you do this as a family if the kids are old enough. This Year’s Trip to the Food Pantry! Teaching My Children To Give This Holiday Season!
12. Have an ornament exchange between family members. We as a family get special ornaments for one another every year. It is interesting to see the ornaments and to ask why they got that particular one for you.
13. Let the kids wrap the presents this year. It might be a little messy and a little disorganized, but with a little guidance from mom and A LOT of tape, it will be fine. Plus, as long as it it covered, then it is considered wrapped.
14. Invite a neighbor or neighbors over who are generally alone during the holidays. I’m sure they would love the company, and think of how good you will feel. Plus, you are setting a good example for your children.
Do you have any great ways that keep your Holidays Fresh and Festive? If so I would love it if you would share.
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Snuggle blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”
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