“Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Ambassadors SE Voices program and have been provided with a wireless device in exchange for my honest opinions about the product. Information in this post was provided by Verizon”
Frightening Statistics: ONE in FOUR WOMEN, ONE in SEVEN MEN and more than 3 MILLION CHILDREN in the United States are affected by domestic violence.
Recently I became a brand ambassador with the Verizon Voices SE program, and through this I am learning about various products and services that the company has to offer. One of the services I was informed of is something called the HopeLine. This was actually the first time I had heard of this, and was moved by the way Verizon is helping communities.
Since 2001 the Verizon HopeLine has collected over 10 million phones helping to connect survivors of domestic violence to vital resources nationwide.
How the HopeLine program works is, Verizon takes no-longer-used phones and either refurbishes or sells for reuse. If donated phones are not salvageable, they are recycled in an environmentally sound way under a zero landfill policy. Proceeds generated from this are used towards cash grants for educational programs, support services and community outreach.
Refurbished phones are also provided to local domestic violence agencies or local government and law enforcement agencies for use with their domestic violence clients. These phones come complete with 3,000 minutes of wireless service and text-messaging service.
Have a Smartphone and want to learn more? This is also available in a FREE App!
With the HopeLine App, you can instantly access a list of nationwide domestic violence resources, and learn about the program. It also has instructions on how to donate your old phones by mail, and locate HopeLine donation centers in your area. In addition, the HopeLine app comes with step-by-step instructions for how to host your own phone drive. The most impressive part is, the app features an emergency call button that connects you to the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). To download the App visit http://bit.ly/OK9xXn.
Donating your used cell phone can really make a difference in another person’s life!
Were you aware of the HopeLine? Do you have a used cell phone you could donate?
I hope by sharing this information I can touch a person’s life in a positive way, and encourage other individuals to donate. Please help the fight against Domestic Violence by sharing this information as well.
If you are interested in more details about this program please visit verizonwireless.com/hopeline.