Thanks to Monkeez Makes a Difference, I was sent 3 Genuine Monkeez and Friends plush characters to review with my kids here on Frugal and Fun Mom.
Monkeez Makes a Difference is an educational and charitable initiative created by teacher and mother, Chrysti Carol Propes. Featuring kid-friendly tools including the best-selling Genuine Monkeez and Friends plush characters, online games, real-life Do Good Trading Card challenges, and a special donation on a child’s behalf to the charity of their choice, Monkeez Makes a Difference teaches children the importance of helping others in need.
Genuine Monkeez and Friends characters come in 90 animal designs that each have a unique name. They also come with a special code that can be entered online for game play at Monkeez Island and allows 10% of the wholesale price to be donated to charity on the purchasers behalf. Designs include monkeys, owls, bears, lions, dogs, cats, pigs, cows, octopuses, panda bears, kangaroos, turtles, koalas, alligators, hedgehogs, elephants, hippos, zebras, frogs, bunnies and raccoons. Sizes range from 7 inches all the way up to 22 inches.
These are the ones that I received:
Rufus the Monkey. This doll retails for $29.99.
Rooina the Kangaroo includes her baby Joey! This doll retails for $20.99.
Trisha the Owl! This doll retails for $19.99.
I am really impressed by this initiative because it not only benefits a charity, but it continues to make an impact on a child with the online game and a hugable plush doll. The dolls are really neat because they have magnets in their hands, and nice vibrant colors. My kids kept having their dolls hug various things like chairs, toys, and even themselves. My baby kept staring at Trisha the Owl because of the large eyes.
I decided to let my 6 year old son go online to redeem the codes included with each doll so he could play Monkeez Island. When I signed him up, there were videos about 3 charities (Samaritan’s Purse, Best Friends Animal Society, and Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation) that he could watch in order to make a decision on where he wanted his donation to go. He took this very seriously and made his donation to Samaritan’s Purse.
Then he got started with the game. I sat with him at first, but after a bit I let him play on his own and it was really easy for him to navigate. It has tasks that the player has to complete like building a house or rescuing a friend. I asked him what he thought of the game, and he said, “It is really cool!”. When I told him it was time for bedtime, he was disappointed that he had to stop playing.
Genuine Monkeez and Friends can be found at independent retailers across the country or online. To learn more about this product, visit Twitter at @monkeezfriends.
Frugal and Fun Mom did not receive compensation for this review but was provided Examples of Monkeez to facilitate this post from Monkeez Makes a Difference. The opinions expressed in this post are that of my own.