I took my daughter to a Hydroponics Strawberry U-Pick It today with the Mommy Group, and we had a great time. The strawberries were $2.50 a pound (the current price as Publix), and since we cut the stems along with the strawberries, they are supposed to last longer.
What was PRICELESS, is I got to see my daughter eat as we picked, and she was munching down on those strawberries like crazy.
I have never done this before, so I think I enjoyed it just as much as she did. Plus, I also picked tomatoes and purchased eggplant and cucumbers so I am looking forward to some Eggplant Parmesan tonight.
In addition to the produce, they also have a little petting zoo and provided the kids with feed for the goats, chickens, and pig.
When we were finished picking and feeding, we sat down and had a picnic lunch. They have a picnic area with tables as well.
This was really a great experience, with the whole package, and I will definitively do it again with the entire family. I highly recommend doing this with your own family when fruit and vegetable picking is available in your area.
To learn more about Eden Farms, visit http://edenfarm.securesitelogin.com/ or check them out on Facebook Eden Farms Facebook.
At Home Moma