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Every once in a while, I walk by a mirror and I catch a glimpse of my mother. Every once in a while I open my mouth and I hear her voice come out. Every once in a while I do something, and I think that is just like her.
Does this happen to you?
The other day, I found myself putting a sticky note on food in the pantry because I was tired of finding open, half full boxes of cereal. I also had to throw out a few, and the frugal gal in me was just not having that!
This was something my mother would do. When I was a teenager, I remember getting in trouble for eating an entire bag of mozzarella intended for Lasagna one night. (I melted it in the microwave and ate the whole glob of cheese, it was delicious, but so bad). A note was on the bag the next time. Would it not have been for this, I would have eaten us out of house and home.
I say things to the kids all the time that sound like my mother. I sit in my bed and read the paper just like her. I even keep a tidy house, and I learned that from “you know who” as well.
Am I complaining that I hear my mother? No. Should I have listened more?Probably. Should I thank her for all these great things I do now? Yeah. Let me swallow some pride, pick up the phone and call. I’m lucky I can, and I’m sure she would love it!
So what do you do that reminds you of your mother? Is it something you would thank her for?